The Hundred Dresses Part 1 - Question & Answers
The Hundred Dresses
Part 1 - Question & Answers
Q1. How is Wanda seen as different by the other girls? How do they treat her?
A. Wanda is an immigrant who belongs to a poor family. Other girls
take her to be a strange person having an eccentric name and ethnicity. They
ridicule her for wearing the same dress daily but claiming to have a hundred
dresses all lined up in her closet.
Q2. How does Wanda feel about the
dresses game? Why does she say that she has a hundred dresses?
A. Wanda feels embarrassed and humiliated when the other girls played
the dresses game on her. Wnada’s claim of having a hundred dresses put her in
more severe situation, wherein the other girls cross all boundaries to insult
her. They feel quite startled as to why a girl having a hundred dresses, wears
the same dress daily. Nobody bothered to
care that Wanda is referring to her beautiful drawings of a hundred dresses,
which she has made for the drawing competition.
Q3. Why does Maddie stand by and not
do anything? How is she different from Peggy? (Was Peggy’s friendship important
to Maddie? Why? Which lines in the text tell you this?)
A. Maddie herself belongs to a poor family and she dislikes
Peggy’s humiliating Wanda for her dresses and strange name. However,instead of
objecting to it, she stands quietly and watches the fun making going. Maddie is
also afraid that she might lose Peggy’s friendship if she takes Wanda’s side
and also she might become the next one to be mocked at. As Maddie was poor
herself, she feared that she could be the next target for the girls to mock at.
Q4. What does Miss Mason think of
Wanda’s drawings? What do the children think of them? How do you know?
A. Miss Mason is quite surprised and elated to see Wanda’s
excellent drawings. She also announces that the judges liked all the drawings
for their creativity, excellence and beauty and thus decided to give her the
first position. The children get too amazed to see the drawings hung in the
class, each one beautiful being extent. Peggy and Maddie feel guilty of
ridiculing Wanda and resolve to apologize.
What is the theme of the story ‘The Hundred Dresses’?
Never ever discriminate with any one on any ground is the most highlighted
theme of the story. Also, the feelings of the victim of discrimination are
being talked about in the story. Specifically, in school days, humiliating
others on the basis of their ethnicity, language, name, caste, creed, etc.
leaves an indelible mark that takes years to erase; so such practices should
never be encouraged. Adult intervention is direly needed to snub such malpractices.
Care should be taken to develop unity, equality among the students.
What values Peggy and Maddie miss?
belongs to a rich family who doesn’t know how a poor family manages the
livelihood; she lacks awareness and value of sympathy & equality; due to
which she keeps humiliating Wanda for her clothes, culture and strange name.
lacks courage and will power; that is why in spite of disliking Peggy’s
behavior, she never raised her voice.
Why was Wanda absenting herself from the school for some days?
The poor girl Wanda had to face severest of embarrassment and ridicule on
account of her ethnicity, poverty and strange name. Already fighting for
survival as an immigrant, Wanda was subjected to discrimination; and it was
beyond an extent for a person to tolerate. She lacked human company at school
and instead of offering understanding, she was offered mockery; so she must
have decided stop attending such a school wherein feelings of equality and
accepting and respecting others are not practiced.
What corrections would you make in the behavior of Peggy and
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