A Photograph by Shirley Toulson explained by Sukhpreet Singh

A Photograph by Shirley Toulson explained by Sukhpreet Singh

About the Poem

The poet is consumed in the thoughts of her mother and is in pensive mood. The true love of the poet for her mother and her dejection at losing the lady (mother) whom she adores; forms the substance of the poem. Her visage and expressions speak volumes of her sadness at the loss. She has beautifully glued into this small poem, a universal message of transient nature of human beings. 

                                                                      Poetic Devices used in the Poem
                                                                      visual Imagery

The device of imagery has been used in the poem very well. The words ‘sweet’, ‘young’, ‘tall’, ‘sea’, ‘hair’ ; etc create visual images before our eyes.  


Alliteration is the repetition of the initial letter (generally a consonant) of several words marking the stressed syllables in a line of a poetry.
“stood still to smile” is an example of alliteration from the poem.


Comparison between permanency of nature and transience of human nature has been drawn very beautifully in this poem. 
With the laboured ease of loss – using two opposite ideas together.
                                                                                                                                   Transferred Epithet

A transferred epithet is a description which refers to a character or event but is used to describe a different situation or character. “Transient feet” is a transferred epithet in the poem, “A Photograph.” It refers to the human feet but it is used to describe the lack of permanence of human life. The sea is constant and eternal while the human feet which are being washed away by the sea are transient.


Silence silences

Title Aptness:-
A photograph is something that captures a certain moment of someone’s life. The person changes with the course of time, but memories related to the photograph remain the same. Whenever we get a glimpse of the photograph clicked in past, all the memories and moments related to it, start bouncing into our mind and lay afresh before us, the vigour, enthusiasm and our temperament during that click. In this poem, the poet’s mother is no more but the photograph makes her memories come alive, as her mother used to share her feelings related to this photograph to her often. The mother’s sweet face or her cousins heavily dressed up for the beach have all changed with time but the moment captured in the photograph still gives happiness to the poet’s mother when she views it thirty to forty years later. Hence it reminds the poet about the laughter of her mother, that she (mother) usually had, whenever she glanced at this picture.

Summary of the Poem (Sad Lyric)
(Expresses the pure love of a daughter for her mother)
The poet, in the mood of nostalgia, is looking at the photograph of her mother who had been dead for nearly twelve long years. The poet feels consumed with grief and is overwhelmed with emotions that leave her with no words to express her irreparable loss.  She is glued in the fond memories of her mother and her visage speaks volumes about her malady and dejection.
The poem begins with the poet looking at a very old photograph of her mother when her mother was of twelve years. The photograph, on a cardboard frame, shows the poet’s mother, with her two girl cousins each holding one of her hand. She was eldest of the three and had a ‘sweet face’. In the snapshot, all the three girls stand still, smiling with their hair falling on their faces, to get clicked by the camera of their uncle, on an occasion when they went paddling. The sea, which has apparently undergone no change, washed their ‘transient’ feet. This image of transience provides a sharp contrast to the eternal sea. Poet has used ‘Transferred Epithet’, which makes this poem of universal application; as it compares the temporary life of humans with permanent nature.
Some twenty or thirty years later, the poet’s mother laughed at the picture pointing how she, Betty and Dolly (the two cousins) were made to dress for the beach holiday. That sea holiday was a thing of past for her mother at that time, while her mother’s laughter is the poet’s past now. Both signify their respective losses and the pain involved in recollecting the past.
Her mother is dead for nearly twelve years now. And for the present ‘circumstance’ the poet has nothing left to say. She is absorbed in the memories of her dead mother. The painful ‘silence’ of the situation leaves the poet silent, with no words to express her grief. Thus, the ‘silence silences’ her. The poet, engrossed in the indelible sweet memories of her mother, expresses her pure love for her mother, which has not slackened after her death, and she feels the loss in the same way as she used to feel earlier.  

a. Transient nature of Human Life
b.  A daughter’s love for her mother


1. Pick out all the words from the poem 
that create a visual image in your mind?

2. What has not changed over the
 years? Does this suggest something to

3. The poet’s mother laughed at the
 snapshot. What did this laugh indicate?

4. What is the meaning of the line “Both
 wry with the laboured ease of loss”.

5. What does “this circumstance” refer
     6. What poetic devices are used in the 
poem? Give examples from the poem with
 definition of each.


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