One Night Stand composed by Sukhpreet Singh

One Night Stand

A week I took to pass by your lane,
You always peeked through the windowpane.
My heart roared with your every gaze,
Feelings were tumultuous and full of rage.
I shivered every moment with expectant eyes,
Felt woven with you in strong ties.
As you approached, I slithered,
Finding the ever waiting rose withered.
Confession of yours made me standstill,
Beguiling beauty of yours brought a happy rill.
First touch of yours made my withered rose flourish,
Every feeling and emotion was made to refurbish.
As we osculated, feelings ran ablaze,
the bird of love was freed from the cage.
Barriers were trespassed with sensuous excitement,
Voluptuous desires were given vociferous vent.
Serene Sighs hummed a dulcet out loud,
Boggled mind broke open happiness cloud.
Intimacy called forth a happy tussle,
Orgasm was experienced with mutual bustle.
Played out we fell on the sheet,
Having merged together with locked feet.
Demon of slumber brought in unconsciousness,
Unaware of the coming dawn mess.
Glimmer of sunshine woke me up,
Nothing was around but a coffee cup.
First sip brought my mind in senses,
Stupor was shed when I put on lenses.
Hustle was raucous, barren was land,
Cry oh heart, it was just one night stand.
Cry oh heart, it was just one night stand.

Peek - Peep
Tumultuous - characterised by unrest and disorder
Rage - passion
Slithered - moved obtrusively
Withered - faded
Beguiling - alluring
Refurbish - redecorate and brighten up
Osculated - kissed
Ablaze - keenly excited
trespass - crossed unlawfully
Sensuous - taking delight in beauty
Voluptuous - strong sexual appeal
Vociferous - conspicuously loud
Vent - give expression to something
Serene - peaceful
Dulcet - melodious
Boggled - startled with amazement
Tussle - fight or struggle
Orgasm - extreme pleasure
Bustle - movement
Played out - tired
Slumber - sleep
Dawn - early morning
Stupor - daze
Shed - got rid of
Lenses - glasses
Raucous - unpleasantly loud

Composed by Sukhpreet Singh 


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