The Wrinkle of my Mother

The Wrinkle of my Mother
- composed by Sukhpreet Singh 

The wrinkle my mother has, mars her beauty; 
however it hides angelic beauty inside.

All see the wrinkle not what it hides; 
however I’d tell the stories it has underneath.

A peek at the wrinkle makes me sob; 
however I try to be happy for I have her now.

The glimpse of this wrinkle takes me years back;
where a lovely lady croons having me in her lap;
she labours all day to nourish me,
her life turns to, wherever I see.
Melodious lullabies, she sings to me,
even in midnights and the times I can’t see..
Decked up I remain whole day,
she brings me whatever I say.
Tears of mine are rare there;
to all my troubles she applies her care.

The first step with her help I took,
I fall not, thus never ever her eyes shook.
My confused babbling was well understood;
in a world where even clear words are misunderstood.
she fed me without delay in night,
happy she and I remained in each other’s sight.

The first day to school seemed difficult one;
less for me but more for her.
The tiffin I carried, had a zip,
on opening that I found a slip.
Finish your meal, written out of care,
such heartfelt notes we find so rare.
Her frivolous rebukes make me smile,
even anger adds to her beguile.
Responsible she made me gradually,
though I take her less seriously more casually.
Rebukes of my teacher sent me chills,
my tears were less in front of her rills.
She made me stupendous in studies and skill,
her space is hers no one can fill.

I understand life so much when I see her,
even when life is hazy and in blur.
She taught me dealing with strife,
stand for yourself and your rights.
All architectural designs fail in front of her;
for she moulded my life with heavenly touch and spur.

The time passed by and I got busy,
she felt alone at home, but I remained dizzy.
In the world chasing stupor,
I committed a million blooper;
Yet she remained all the same;
and accepted me without any blame.

She taught me life and dealing a life,
I accept it now after a lot of strife.
True counsel she gave me,
nowhere around I see.
She offered me True love unconditionally and to the full,
nowhere I could find though I tried hard to pull.

The steps I take and the heights I scale,
without her everything would have been a fail.
Where in Universe could I find,
such an angel who is eternally kind.
Description of hers, I can write in no way,
she is my God, guide, Counsellor, soulmate and sun ray.
Words bereft to express my gratitude and love,
to the most beautiful woman and epitome of patience, peace and love.

The wrinkle my mother has,
I adorn so much.
And I’d like to wear the same in times to come.
May God bestow on Her a long life full of health,
and I remain in possession of this Heavenly Wealth (My Mother).

Composed by Sukhpreet Singh 


  1. That is ver true . Very well written. Heart warming

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Gr8 lines sir👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍

  4. Superb🌹🌹🌷🌷🌺🌺🌻🌻🌼🌼

  5. 👌👌👌Moms are invaluable and irreplaceable.

  6. Very well written 👏so true🌺

  7. B'ful ����


  9. Sir, need letter writing notes


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