The Wrinkle of my Mother
The Wrinkle of my Mother - composed by Sukhpreet Singh The wrinkle my mother has, mars her beauty; however it hides angelic beauty inside. All see the wrinkle not what it hides; however I’d tell the stories it has underneath. A peek at the wrinkle makes me sob; however I try to be happy for I have her now. The glimpse of this wrinkle takes me years back; where a lovely lady croons having me in her lap; she labours all day to nourish me, her life turns to, wherever I see. Melodious lullabies, she sings to me, even in midnights and the times I can’t see.. Decked up I remain whole day, she brings me whatever I say. Tears of mine are rare there; to all my troubles she applies her care. The first step with her help I took, I fall not, thus never ever her eyes shook. My confused babbling was well understood; in a world where even clear words are misunderstood. she fed me without delay in night, happy she and I remained in each other’s sight...